
Six Tips For A Comfy and Safe Home This Fall

1. Get A Furnace Tune-Up – 

Avoid a night without heat this fall and winter with a simple furnace tune-up. Our furnace tune-ups ensure your system is operating at peak efficiency. The removal of small dust, debris, and other particulates can significantly improve the performance of your HVAC system and lower your utility bill. 

2. Replace Air Filters  

Air filters, on average, need replacing every 1-3 months. This number can vary depending on pets, the size of the home, and other factors. Neglecting the air filter is one of the leading causes of HVAC system failures. Not only will replacing your air filter save you significant money on operating costs, but it will vastly improve the quality of air in your home. Less pollen, dust and air particles are circulating when you have a clean air filter, and this is especially important for people with allergies or asthma.

3. Consider Attic Insulation – 

A properly insulated attic can be a key factor in staying toasty this fall and winter. Attic insulation helps reduce energy costs and can combat home structure damage caused by moisture and heat throughout the seasons. In homes where ductwork runs through the attic, it is especially important to have proper insulation. Drafty and poorly insulated attics can exaggerate the temperature swings in your home, leading to more wear and tear on your HVAC system. 

4. Test Your Thermostat – 

To make sure your HVAC system is not being overworked, test your thermostat this fall and winter. The thermostat is functioning correctly if it displays an accurate reading and responds accordingly to adjustments.

5. Check For Leaky Doors and Windows – 

Some rooms in your house may have drafty cold spots. Be sure to check the airflow from windows and doors to ensure breezy openings, however small. These drafts can cause your furnace system to work overtime and lead to costly energy bills.

On the outside of your house, you may want to check for old failing caulk that creates gaps between your home’s siding and the door frame or window. On the inside of your house, it is essential to check for gaps underneath doors letting air in or seals around the windows that may be worn down.

6. Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detector and Change The Batteries –

It is vital to check your carbon monoxide detector regularly. You should change the batteries at least once a year to ensure your home is safe from excess carbon monoxide. Old furnaces and gas water heaters can also emit carbon monoxide, so consider scheduling regular HVAC maintenance as well. 

It is important to have trusted professionals to work on your advanced home and safety needs.